What is The New World Order?

What is The "New World Order"? The New World Order (NWO) has been one of THE major agenda's of "Secret Societies" for thousands of years...In short,they want to create three things...
*A One World Government
*A One World Currency
*A One World Religion
It is very interesting that all three of those things were prophesied in The Book of Revelation Chapter 13 alone...(But also in The Book of Daniel Chapters 2 and 7,and MANY other places in The Word)...
(NOTE: Wether YOU believe in God or not is totally irrelevent,because I can assure you that THEY absolutely do! And the fact is that The Bible - Regardless of who you believe it's author to be - Prophesied or predicted that oneday - The Last Days - an evil group of men would bring about those very three things - And it has NEVER happened before in ALL of human history...Until NOW)...
These "Secret Societies" even put their plans on the one dollar bill (Hidden in plain sight)...(Watch "Eye of The Phoenix - Secrets of The One Dollar Bill" for more information)...
Look at the back of the one dollar bill...What do those words mean in Latin?
Annuit Coeptis = Our enterprise is now a success
Novus Ordo Seclorum = A New Order of The Ages (A New World Order!)
The "All seeing eye" and the "Pyramid" was (and still is) the symbol of the "Illuminati"...A "Secret Society" formed by a secret cabal of "Freemasons"...They went on to become "Skull and Bones"...And now what is commonly referred to as The "New World Order"...
(But technically,the NWO is their "Agenda",but the term "NWO" has now come to also mean the "Illuminati" and other "Secret Societies")...
These "Secret Societies" not only put their symbols on our currency,but even in the very architecture of Washington D.C. itself! (And other cities around the world) - Watch "Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings Vol.2 - Riddles In Stone",and read Texe Marrs' new book "Mysterious Monuments" for more information...
The New World Order "Matrix" is all around us...Even now...Where you are...You can see it when you watch your television...When you go to church...When you pay your taxes...
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the TRUTH...
What truth?
That you are a slave...Like everyone else...You were born into bondage...Born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch...A prison...For your mind...
(We are constantly being bombarded on a daily basis by the most highly sophisticated "propaganda/mass mind control" techniques that are specifically geared to keep you from learning the TRUTH)...
There is ALOT more that I could say to you...But...
Unfortunately...Noone can be "Told" what The "New World Order" is...You have to see it for yourself! (Watch the videos below!)
New World Order Conspiracy
Click here to read the story behind this LEGENDARY video!
New World Order Conspiracy II
Who-WHO will watch The Watchers? (Genesis 6:4)